Phonological Awareness Assessment
At Better MSL, we conduct comprehensive evaluations of auditory processing, phonological awareness, and auditory sustained attention skills. As well, we provide supportive Cognitive and Educational assessment inclusive of reading, writing, spelling and math abilities.
Auditory Processing and Auditory Attention evaluations are carried out by our resident psychologist Martha Mack with over 20 years experience in the area of developmental disorders in children, teenagers and young adults.
Phonological Awareness assessments are supported by Alexie Better our resident Teacher.
Better MSL works closely with Dr Yazdaneh Galt, paediatric audiologist from ACE Audiology & Hearing, who supports with hearing assessments.
The team team at Better MSL also conduct diagnostic evaluations specialising in Specific Learning Disorders, Developmental Disorders and Attention problems, also providing individualised educational plans to address the difficulties on your chil